Thursday, May 30, 2013

(more) Hot pot!

Hot Pot ingredients! Top row: Pork and Shrimp Dumplings, Chinese BBQ sauce, pork and celery dumplings, noodles, Cubed Tofu. Middle Row: Hot pot soup flavoring, fried tofu cubes, cilantro, shaved sirloin. Front Row: Shrimp Dumplings and Fish Dumplings, Fish balls, Bok choy, mushrooms, Japanese Sweet Potato

Dipping bowl! fried tofu cub, dumpling, dipping sauce and cilantro

Ryan, Kait, Nick. Rick and I all shared a delicious hot pot!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Water water everywhere

The roads, especially of rural Iowa, are slowly sinking underwater. Forecast says more rain.
At least the Coots are happy!
Coots in a ditch! 

Coots swimming across the road.
The "walking path" at Ada Hayden - the trail is underwater in at least 4 places

The pier at Ada Hayden - that water in the foreground is usually the walking path and grass.

A lake side bench at Ada Hayden. 

Lord of the Rings: War in the North

Rick got a new game for his computer. $5 download off Amazon.
We've been taking turns playing it.
I love fighting Orcs!!
Speaking of Orcs, Rick also got a new frisbee golf disc.
It's called "The Orc" and is bright blue with a rainbow orc on it. So funny.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Happy Birthday Anita!

Anita's birthday Ice Cream Cake! A delicious mint and chocolate concoction.
Unlike Rick, she did not throw it on the floor.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Birds and counting

Rick and I have been keeping a list of all the birds we've seen, 121 different birds so far! We'll keep adding as we find more.

1.     Ross’s Goose
2.     Canada Goose
3.     Mute Swan
4.     Wood Duck
5.     Mallard
6.     Blue-winged teal
7.     Northern Shoveler
8.     Green-winged Teal
9.     Canvasback
10. Redhead
11. Ring-necked Duck
12. Lesser Scaup
13. Bufflehead
14. Red-breasted Merganser
15. Ring-necked Pheasant
16. Wild turkey
17. Common Loon
18. Pied-billed Grebe
19. American White Pelican
20. Brown Pelican
21. Double-crested Cormorant
22. Great Blue Heron
23. Great Egret
24. Green Heron
25. Turkey Vulture
26. Osprey
27. Bald Eagle
28. Northern Harrier
29. Red-shouldered Hawk
30. Red-tailed Hawk
31. American Kestrel
32. Prairie Falcon
33. American Coot
34. Sandhill Crane
35. American Golden-Plover
36. Killdeer
37. Western Sandpiper
38. Bonaparte’s Gull
39. Ring-billed Gull
40. Royal Tern
41. Rock Pigeon
42. Mourning Dove
43. Barn Owls
44. Great-Horned Owl
45. Burrowing Owl
46. Barred Owl
47. Ruby-throated Hummingbird
48. Belted Kingfisher
49. Red-headed Woodpecker
50. Red-bellied Woodpecker
51. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
52. Downy Woodpecker
53. Hairy Woodpecker
54. Northern Flicker
55. Pileated Woodpecker
56. Acadian Flycatcher
57. Eastern Phoebe
58. Eastern Kingbird
59. Blue Jay
60. American Crow
61. Purple Martin
62. Tree Swallow
63. Violet-green Swallow
64. Northern Rough-winged Swallow
65. Bank Swallow
66. Cliff Swallow
67. Barn Swallow
68. Black-capped Chickadee
69. Tufted Titmouse
70. Red-breasted Nuthatch
71. White-breasted Nuthatch
72. Brown Creeper
73. Golden-crowned Kinglet
74. Ruby-crowned Kinglet
75. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
76. Eastern Bluebird
77. Mountain Bluebird
78. American Robin
79. Gray Catbird
80. European Starling
81. Cedar Waxwing
82. Nashville Warbler
83. Yellow Warbler
84. Yellow-rumped Warbler
85. Yellow-throated Warbler
86. Pine Warbler
87. Palm Warbler
88. Black-and-White Warbler
89. American Redstart
90. Prothonotary Warbler
91. Northern Waterthrush
92. Common Yellowthroat
93. Scarlet Tanager
94. Western Tanager
95. Eastern Towhee
96. Chipping Sparrow
97. Field Sparrow
98. Lark Sparrow
99. Lark Bunting
100.                Grasshopper Sparrow
101.                Fox Sparrow
102.                Song Sparrow
103.                White-throated Sparrow
104.                Swamp Sparrow
105.                Dark-eyed Junco
106.                Northern Cardinal
107.                Rose-breasted Grosbeak
108.                Black-headed Grosbeak
109.                Indigo Bunting
110.                Dickcissel
111.                Red-winged Blackbird
112.                Eastern Meadowlark
113.                Western Meadowlark
114.                Yellow-headed Blackbird
115.                Common Grackle
116.                Brown-headed Cowbird
117.                Baltimore Oriole
118.                House Finch
119.                American Goldfinch
120.                Pine Siskin
121.                House Sparrow

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Birdwatching at Ada Hayden

A pair of male Mallards

Purple Martin colony

Baltimore Oriole

Brown Headed Cowbird

some kind of giant bee?

American Redstart

Black-Capped Chickadee

I haven't figured out what this guy is yet

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Hot Pot

Ryan, Kelly, and Mingfeng joined Rick and I for a hot pot!
Daikon, tofu, sweet potatoes, dumplings and cilantro are all floating in the broth, thinly sliced roast and tofu skin to the side

SOO yummy!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Panthers in Cyclone Country

Rick sits in the Anderson Sculpture Garden on Iowa State's campus that features two oversized bronze panther statues by the artist Christian Petersen. 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Happy Birthday Rick!

Matt, Kelly, Ryan and I planned a surprise party for Ricky's birthday. We celebrated with pizza, "Reeses Blizzard" ice cream cake from DQ and a game of Settlers of Catan!

Tragically, immediately after the previous picture was taken,  Rick dropped his cake on the floor.  After scraping off the carpet-fuzzed frosting, we enjoyed it anyway.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Back on the Water

After a long winter in the garage, Rick and I finally got Rocinante back on the water for some paddling, fishing and birdwatching!

a little Painted Turtle

Rose-breasted Grosbeak

a Green Heron shakes off water

Rick caught this little Channel Cat on a jug and stinkbait

baby Snapping Turtle

Rick caught this big Channel Catfish on a homemade jug and stinkbait

Golden Plovers

American Golden Plover
Rick and I spotted this flock while tilling the field so Bob could plant. At first we thought we'd stirred up a quail covey (they've been flushed from the fence-line of this field in the past) but upon inspecting the pictures, we realized they were something we'd never seen before. A little research ID'd them as Golden Plovers, a shorebird with one of the longest migrations in the world. They spend the winter at the southern part of Brazil, but nest north of the arctic circle, and along the way, they like to hang out in freshly tilled fields.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Moo-ving day

A break in the rain let things dry out enough to move the cows and calves from the barn and cement lot where the calves were born, to the pasture where they'll spend the summer.

Rick and Bob herd the calves towards the area of the pasture where their mothers are gathered
Bob, Rick and a few of the calves enjoy the fresh grass and sunshine

Friday, May 10, 2013

Birdwatching at Lake Macbride

On our way home for a week off between the end of the semester and the start of Rick's summer classes, we stopped at one of our favorite places to do some fishing and birdwatching.

Eastern Towhee

Wren (not sure which kind)

Baltimore Oriole 

Prothonotary Warbler 

White-throated Sparrow
Green Heron

Rick and a pretty little Bluegill - caught on a fly

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Birdwatching at ISU

The warblers are migrating and Iowa State's campus is hopping with them! 
Palm Warbler

Yellow-rumped Warbler aka: Butter Butt

Ruby Crowned Kinglet


Nashville Warbler

Butter Butt

White Throated Sparrow

Downy Woodpecker

Black and White Warbler

Pine Warbler

male Mallard

Leucistic Squirrel - she's not quite an albino - she has some pigment and her eyes are dark instead of red, but this squirrel has a similar mutation that makes her fur white instead of red-gray.