Thursday, February 20, 2014


The weather in Ames is terrible enough today that campus closed early.
Which NEVER happens.
It can, (and has been) -20F wind chills and they STILL make us tromp around in it.

But today we're getting that awesome mixture of rain and snow and slush and sleet that makes Cyride buses slide around like gargantuan red hockey pucks and they decided it was better to send us all home early.

The official closing announcement via the Iowa State website
The current radar as of 1:48pm CST courtesy of
The rain as it transitions to snow. And thunder-stormed.
THUNDERSNOW - a phenomenon where Iowa is shitty in two seasons simultaneously. 

sleet on the porch
the snow continues to get snowier
and snowier

neighbors car right around 12:30
neighbors car around 1

and snowier
Winter just won't go away...

Monday, February 17, 2014

Bottle Washing

For his first five gallon batch of beer Rick needed 50 bottles. 
We didn't have a drying rack, so I improvised one with wire shelf organizers laid sideways between stools. 

I also got some fun shots of the bottles. 

Rick's beer should be ready to drink on the 25th.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Hedgehog Hat

This is what a hedgehog hat looks like.

I was lying down to start with -so he was on my shoulder before he moved up to my head. 
He made a super grumpy face when I sat up to take this picture!