Thursday, December 31, 2015

Honeymoon Day 5: Utah driving and Arches

Rick and I have decided that Utah has a particularly devil-may-care attitude when it comes to speed limits.

Curvy, mildly mountainous roads have a speed limit of 80, and when you get to said curves the "recommended speed" drops to 65, and no one seems to mind the beckoning canyon of rocky doom that awaits with haphazard guardrails that don't go around the entire curve, just the beginning and the end, with a nice big gap in the middle, so that you can go flying into said canyon unimpeded.

But on the other hand, nobody out here seems to speed, probably because you'd have to break the sound barrier to do it, so you never get passed by some idiot on a blind curve who panics and cuts you off at the last second.

Rick at Arches


If you look closely near the lower right corner, you'll see Ricky standing in the shadow of Turret Arch

Ricky at Turret Arch

The North and South Window Arches

at a viewpoint in Arches

Ricky hiking up between the "fins" to Sand Dune Arch

Ricky under Sand Dune Arch

Erin running from the cold under Sand Dune Arch

The Delicate Arch (we didn't hike all the way up to it, there's a huge ravine between us and the arch, but that guy in the blue coat did)

White Crowned Sparrow (male)

White Crowned Sparrow (female)

White Crowned Sparrow pair

I love the way the little female is kicking up snow!

Song Sparrow

Song Sparrow
We're spending New Years Eve in Moab, Utah just outside Arches and plan to start New Years Day at a marsh near here and then on to Canyonlands before turning south to work our way back towards Phoenix.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Honeymoon Day 4: Zion Hiking and Bryce Canyon

We slept in a bit and had a pretty good breakfast at the hotel.
Then headed back into Zion to do some hiking before the crowds came out. We hiked one paved trail up to the Emerald Pools (not emerald in winter - it's the algae that makes them green) but there were a few too many people for our taste, so we took off down a horse trail instead - which turned out to be a great decision! 
We hiked for miles and only saw a couple people and Lots of great views as we hiked through the "Court of the Patriarchs".

Clearly the deer in Zion are very skittish and shy around people...

Hiking in Zion

Hiking in Zion

crossing a stream in Zion

Golden-crowned Kinglet

Hairy Woodpecker (*western interior morph)

Brown Creeper

Brown Creeper
Black Capped Chickadee 

*Mountain Chickadee

Mountain Chickadee

Mountain Chickadee

Western Bluebird

Western Bluebird in the Court of the Patriarchs

Western Bluebird

Dark Eyed Junco (Oregon morph)

Bushtit (*Partial Black-eared morph - Very Rare!!)

Bushtit (partial black-eared morph)

Bushtit (partial black-eared morph)

Bushtit (partial black-eared morph)

Western Bluebird

Western Bluebird

Mule Deer

Bighorn sheep just chillin on the rocks!
 After we finished our hike at Zion, we headed out and up north about an hour and a half to Bryce Canyon! It's a lot smaller than The Grand Canyon but full of these amazing rock formations called Hoodoos!
Ravens circle above the hoodoos at Bryce Canyon

This Raven looks more like a cut-out than a figure in the foreground

We've learned that Ravens are not flighty, and this guy acted like he was looking for a weak willed tourist to give him a handout

Pretty sure that indignant look wants to know why I didn't bring him a french fry

A Raven at Farview Point (in Bryce Canyon)

If I look cold, it's because I'm cold.
It was a whopping 18 degrees with a breeze at Bryce Canyon

Chilly Rick at an overlook

Freezing Erin at the natural bridge