Monday, July 11, 2011

UP Trip

 Matt N, Kelly, Rick and I took a trip to visit our professor Steve in northern MN and to spend a few days camping on the Pictured Rocks Lakeshore in the Upper Peninsula of MI. We spent the first night with Matt's parents in Minneapolis before heading up to Steve's cabin for a couple days.  From there we traced back around Lake Superior to head up to the UP and the prettiest camp site we've ever been to!
Matt, Kelly, Rick and Erin sit on Steve's dock on Loon Lake.

Kelly makes friends with Steve's Newfoundland, Sage.

Kelly and Rick visit with Steve, and newfie's Ned and Sage

Rick and Matt

Rick dropped one of Steve's glasses into the lake and had to jump in to go get it.

Rick abandons pants in favor of drying out. Matt decides if Rick doesn't have to wear pants, he doesn't either. 
Matt buttons up his sleeves against a cool breeze off the lake

Matt and Rick help Steve build a deck on his cabin

Sage watches the construction

Clare gives directions to the construction crew

Rick and Matt put up a beam

The deck starts to come together

Sage and Matt have a bonding moment

Rick, Steve, Matt, Erin and Kelly pose for a quick photo (with Canada behind them) before running from the cloud of  mosquitos that descended on them.

Rick cuddles with a Rick-sized Sage

This frog hitchhiked on our back window for over an hour before Rick noticed him in the rearview mirror and we pulled over to release him.
Erin, Rick, Kelly and Matt hiking at Pictured Rocks

Kelly and Rick look out over Lake Superior

Matt and Kelly beside Beaver Creek

Rick fills water bottles in Beaver Creek

Matt and Kelly climb up a steep hill

Rick poses on a rock

Erin, Rick, Kelly and Matt take a quick picture above the cove where they ate lunch

Rick, Matt, and Kelly look out over Lake Superior

Rick, Kelly and Matt investigate a tree growing on a rock pillar who's roots have stretched back to the mainland 

An eagle surveys the cove where we stopped to rest on the way back to our campsite

Rick on 12 mile beach looking out over Lake Superior

Erin takes a break while hiking

Matt hiking

Kelly and Rick at Trapper Lake

Giant Snapping Turtle in trapper lake

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

1 Year Anniversary Camping

To celebrate our first year of dating, Rick and I headed to Ledges State Park for some camping.
Northern Water Snake

Rick finds a picnic table in the floodwater

Big furry rodent type animal - groundhog? 


Our camp site

A visitor to our camp site. This Raccoon, Bandit, had "wanted posters" in the bathrooms warning campers that closing their coolers before going to sleep was not enough because he'd learned to open them. We locked our cooler in the car so this little punk wouldn't steal our breakfast.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Fishing at Petersen Pitts

Matt N, Kelly, Rick and I headed out to Petersen Pits for an afternoon of fishing. Rick barely got to fish because Kelly and I were catching bluegill and green sunfish so quickly and needed him to get them off.

Matt poses with a Bluegill

Rick and Bluegill

Kelly and Bluegill

Kelly's Bluegill

Erin and Bluegill

Green Sunfish

Erin and Green Sunfish 

Rick and a little Bass


Matt sticks a sunflower seed to his teeth and photobombs Kelly