Monday, June 18, 2012

Wickiup Hill

Rick and I spent some time exploring Wickiup Hill.

Dickcissel - these little guys live on the prairie and post up on the tallest thing available to sing


baby Turkey


After an afternoon exploring Wickiup Hill we headed back to Ely to do some fishing at the Ely Pond.
This Green Heron caught a little fish!

Rick also caught a little bluegill - he however, did not swallow it whole the way the heron did.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Creek Pasture

For whatever reason, this group of calves refused to cross the creek. 
Ricky walks the fence line, making sure there are no breaks or places for the calves to escape. 

male Goldfinch landing on bull thistle

House Finch snacking on thistle


female Goldfinch

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Yellow River Camping

Rick and I spent a weekend camping at Yellow River State Forest. Bob and Janice came up for a day to camp and explore Effigy Mounds National Monument.
Rick and I take a picture on the bluff overlooking our campground beside Big Paint Creek.

Pearly Crescent

Indigo Bunting

male American Redstart

female American Redstart

Chipping Sparrow

Red-headed Woodpecker at Effigy Mounds

Bob and Rick on a bridge at Effigy Mounds

Scarlet Tanager at Effigy Mounds

Janice, Bob, Erin and Rick at the scenic overlook on the north trail at Effigy Mounds

Janice, Bob, Erin and Rick at scenic overlook on north trail at Effigy Mounds

Rose Breasted Grosbeak

Rick catches Rainbow Trout #1 at Yellow River

Rainbow Trout #2

Rainbow Trout #3

Rick's fishing hole at Yellow River - we had to stomp through burn nettles to get back here. Janice and I were both wearing shorts so our legs were BURNING.

Ricky and Rainbow trout #4

A little snake

Tiger Swallowtail