Sunday, February 8, 2015

Hawk Spotting around the Iowa Arboretum

Rick likes to stalk Larry Dau's smugmug page, partly becuase he takes INCREDIBLE pictures, and mostly because he takes incredible pictures in OUR AREA.
So this morning Rick discovered Larry had found Rough Legged Hawks near the Iowa Arboretum (and a little screech owl), so off we went.

We never found the owl. But we got some great hawk pictures!
A red-tailed hawk with- something unidentifiable - and a murder of crows waiting for him to finish so they can eat the leftovers.

This guy, according to our Sibley Field Guide, is a Harlan's hawk - a subspecies of the red-tailed hawk! We were SO EXCITED to see this, though we're still out on wether or not it counts towards our life list. Still, 1st sighting!

The Harlan's Hawk taking off!

Rough Legged Hawk - 1st sighting! Thanks Larry Dau :)
Our life-list is now officially at 177 birds positively identified!

Rough Legged Hawk taking off

A Black-capped Chickadee at the Iowa Arboretum

Female Downy at the Iowa Arboretum

Rough Legged Hawk

Rough Legged Hawk

A 3rd-4th year juvenile Bald Eagle, identified by the eye stripe.  Bald eagles don't reach maturity or gain their white heads and tails until they're about 5 years old.