Saturday, October 17, 2015

Neal Smith Sparrow Spotting!

It was nice and cool out this morning so Ricky and I went out to the Neal Smith Wildlife Refuge to do some birdwatching!
The warblers are gone and the waterfowl aren't quite here yet, but the sparrows are starting to come down for the winter!

Chipping Sparrow

White Throated Sparrow
Field Sparrow

1st Sighting!
Harris's Sparrow - 1st Winter

White Throated Sparrow -1st Winter 

Downy Woodpecker - this little male had the biggest red patch we've ever seen on a downy

Song Sparrow


Saturday, October 3, 2015


hummingbird at our apartment
Birdwatching at Chichaqua Bottoms!

These little goofballs walked Right up to me while I was standing still. They didn't seem to even notice I was there until I hissed at Rick. They were SO CUTE but I was also super worried about where Mama was.

Then the third raccoon baby showed up.
Still no mama.

This little guy didn't notice us standing there either, until Rick said "hey buddy" and then it climbed this tree to watch us from there while the other two hid in the weeds. We snapped a few pictures and then left before Mom showed up.

yellow-bellied sapsucker

flock of goldfinch all decked out in their winter garb

swamp sparrow

The swallows are flocking! We saw Tree Swallows, Barn Swallows and possibly Rough-Winged Swallows all perched on the wires!

Red-Headed Woodpecker sharing a corn cob with it's fledgeling on the top of this pole!