Sunday, January 24, 2016

Honeymoon Day 7: Grand Canyon

Back at the Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon 
Rick at the Grand Canyon

little mule deer

*Scrub Jay
1st sighting!

Scrub Jay - he was quite busy
He set down this little nut and then proceeded to bury it with that pinecone and a couple twigs

note how he's moved the pinecone to bury his nut

Scrub Jay

*Juniper Titmouse
1st Sighting!

Juniper Titmouse

scrub jay

western bluebird

oregon morph - dark eyed junco

The Dodge Challenger after we got done driving it around for a week...

Friday, January 1, 2016

Honeymoon Day 6: Scott Matheson Wetland Preserve

White Crowned Sparrow pair

White Crowned Sparrow 

fox sparrow

flicker and the moon

Spotted Towhee
For the second year in a row, we saw a new bird on New Years Day!

mountain bluebirds

house finch

song sparrow

Canada Goose

Spotted Towhee

Black Billed Magpie