Sunday, April 23, 2017

1 month already!

Our little Bean is already a month old! 
He's growing so fast!
Every day he gets stronger and surprises us with a new sound or new focus!
Look how little our Bean was!

Here he skeptically studies the strange purple "quadropus"

Pucker face is one of my favorite faces!

Here the mighty Bean has caught Mommy by her sweatshirt string!

The Bean practices the stealthy art of stripy camouflage 

Mommy and Bean hanging out on the couch!

One of The Bean's favorite activities is making faces at himself in the mirror

The Bean is a master of hilarious faces

Daddy and The Bean catch some sleep

Such great faces

pucker face again

Already a Cyclones fan!

Look at those blue eyes!

I love this monster onesie. The patch says "Mommy's little Wild One"

Heck yeah! One month old and counting!

Sunday, April 16, 2017


Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Nee, Great Grandma, and Great Grandpa came out for Easter!