Wednesday, May 24, 2017

2 Months

Bean is 2 months old already!

Fresh out of the bath

Bean LOVES bath time! But he doesn't like getting out of it.

Bean in a blanket that one of my students' mom made for him!

He's getting better at sitting in the car seat. He seems to like car rides, but he doesn't like being stuck in one position for very long.

passed out on Grandma

Bean, Grandpa and Daddy play on the rug at Tummy Time

Bean LOVES standing up!

Grandpa gets a "milk bath"

Bean feels better.
Grandpa is unfazed.

Another of Bean's new talents is to create spit bubbles. He likes drooling and foaming at the mouth.

Aunt Renee can't stop playing with his chubby cheeks

Bean is learning to dig his toes in and push himself around the rug without help! But he still doesn't pick his head up for it, so he just smooshes his face along as he goes.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Backyard Birdwatching

Our bird feeders have gotten busy!
The Bean and I will be spending a lot of time in the chair looking out the big window while he naps this summer!
male goldfinch

Male Oriole (1st year)

Male Baltimore Oriole's 

Male Oriole (mature)

Baltimore Oriole

male Rose Breasted Grosbeak

female goldfinch

fledgling House Finch

female goldfinch

female goldfinch, male House finch


goldfinch, male housefinch