Friday, March 22, 2013

Saulsbury Bridge: Engagement

 After our weekend with Matt and Alex in Backbone, Rick and I headed home to spend the rest of Spring Break with his family.

We took a day trip to the Saulsbury Bridge Recreation Area where we spotted this male Wood Duck,

This Red-headed Woodpecker,
and this Red-tailed Hawk.

Saulsbury Bridge is also the place Rick proposed. We were stalking a Downy Woodpecker when he kneeled down in the snow to pop the question. I turned around and saw him kneeling with the ring and started crying and said "Yes! Yes!" he responded with "You didn't let me ask the question."
His new favorite joke is that he was just going to ask what I wanted for lunch. 
He did, eventually, get to ask me to marry him.

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