Thursday, October 31, 2013

Rollo's Halloween Photo Shoot!

Turns out, Rollo's a really good sport about being wearing a hat and having his picture taken! My assistant Rick, was mostly in charge of replacing our adorable model's hat, over and over and over as he wandered around knocking it off. 
But we got through it and are happy to present:

Rollo's Halloween Photo Shoot!
Rollo pretends to be camera shy

The light is better in the kitchen, so I originally set up my background on the fridge, however, we were having trouble keeping Rollo's hat on.

So we moved to the couch and right away I got this great shot of Rollo in his wizard hat!

Rollo gives us a sassy side view

And a 3/4 turn with a tilted hat - he was born to be a hedgehog fashion star

Assistant Rick (with his strange glowing hand?) goes in for the 18th hat rescue

Much better - Rollo struts his stuff, showing off his adorable white spot

Here Rollo gives us the "Grumpy hedgehog" face as he wedges himself in the couch

Rick grabs the opportunity to show us what a grumpy hedgehog in a hat looks like

Wizard Rollo casts his spell of cuteness

and again

and yet again

Ta-da! Jazz hands Rollo!

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