Saturday, April 26, 2014

Friday Fishing

Rick and Charles decided to go fishing on campus at Lake LaVerne. 
I wandered around taking pictures of the campus wildlife before going back to photograph their fishing exploits.
Chipping Sparrow near Ross Hall (ISU Campus)
I think this is a crabapple

Scilla (I think?)
Baby Squirrel! So Cute!

Peeking out of his nest

The squirrel nest is pretty high up

peeking out again - he's SO CUTE!!

White throated sparrow


2nd baby squirrel

both babies

2nd baby again




Rick, Charles, and Charles' bluegill - Lake LaVerne (ISU campus)

Rick's Bluegill

Charles and a large-mouth bass

Rick and another bluegill

Amazing action shot of Rick pulling in a bluegill

Rick and another bluegill

Rick and another Bluegill

Rick and another bluegill

Rick and another bluegill

The leucistic squirrel! For a better picture of her see the May 5, 2013 post
I think Charles caught more fish than Ricky did, he caught at least 3 bass (or the same one 3 times) but he never SMILES in the pictures so I didn't put them on here.

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