Sunday, July 20, 2014

Crex Meadows and North Woods exploring

Crex Meadows
Red Necked Grebes - 1st sighting!!

Red Necked Grebes

Sandhill Cranes


Trumpeter Swans and cygnets! 1st sighting!
Wandering around the North Woods
PORCUPINE!!! (also 1st sighting)
This was SO EXCITING! We'd been talking all morning about wanting to see one! (Photo by Rick)

They are WEIRD animals! It was like watching a spiky groundhog waddle around! I loved him! (Photo by Rick)

Slug riding a turtle that Rick helped cross the road (photo by Rick)

Sandhill cranes in a cow pasture

sandhill cranes

double crested cormorant

great blue heron

leopard frog

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