Saturday, November 21, 2015

First Snow!

Friday blew in our first snow of the season (6+ inches), so Ricky and I walked out to the High Trestle Trail from our apartment to take some pictures.
The high trestle trail near our apartment

A few mallards in a little creek

crabapples - they look like Christmas against the snow

Junco - we found a whole flock of these cuties in some tangled bushes

There were also several Chickadees in among the Juncos

A Merlin! He's got his little foot tucked up to his chest.
He kept switching back and forth, I think his feet were cold!

Merlin again. We've never really gotten a good shot of one of these little falcons before, so even though it was cold and we were thinking about turning for home we had to stop and take lots of pictures of this guy!


I managed to snag this shot of him hopping up the branch a little ways. His fuzzy legs are so cute!

I really liked these yellow-orange berries against the blue sky


Rick liked this "sparrow overlord" surveying his holdings

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