Sunday, August 25, 2013

DIY Cat Privacy Screen

My parents have three cats, and whenever they go out of town, Rick and I are roped into watching this trio of nocturnal monsters. For the most part, these cats hide/sleep under the bed for about 20/24 hours. The 4 hours they are awake, if we don't wear them out first, are 1-5am. 
So pre-bedtime includes intense bouts of playing and us just randomly waking them whenever we see them trying to curl and sleep somewhere.
Raphael: aka Binky (left) and Darth Lucifer: aka Dinky (right) - Feb.

Sabe' - Feb.
Last February, we watched them and the only place we could find to concievably place a litter box is in the storage closet at the end of the hall. That means, whenever you walked in our door you stared straight down the hall at the cat box.


I hated it.
Litter box Feb. - The back wall is shiny because it's covered in plastic in case they kicked out litter (or worse) I didn't want it to smell up my closet walls.

So this time around, I decided I didn't want to look at the cat box anymore! So I made a "privacy screen" to go in front of it out of the box my textbooks came in and some cute wrapping paper!

I only used three sides of the box and left the top and bottom attached to give me extra height and a "base" to balance with. My third side is pressed flat against the door and taped there (because the cats will rub against anything and I didn't want them knocking it over) I also didn't completely cover that side in paper because I knew it wasn't going to be visible.

Turns out, you can BUY cat box privacy screens. Who knew? But those are $20+ and I would have had to wait while it shipped. I made this one with materials on hand for free.
Cat box privacy screen!


  1. Amiga!

    First, let me acknowledge that yes, I am spending my government-funded work hours reading about your cat box. Good use of taxpayer dollars right thur. Anywho, I might try making one of these for Paul. Our apt is so small that the only place that meets his eating/pooping/birdwatching needs is a corner of our bedroom. Delicious. Also, I'm emailing you a rebate coupon for my favorite brand of cat litter (which I also researched at work--tee hee!), because it sounds like you folks might need it.

    All my warm, sticky love--

    1. What better way to spend government-funded work hours than reading about my cat-box! It's an important cat-box, though thankfully temporary. Rick was getting to the point where he was more interested in murdering Binky than caring for his well-being. Next time we watch them we will be charging my parents $20 for each time Binky wakes us up between midnight and 6am.
