Sunday, March 2, 2014

Rollo's New Bed

Rick decided that there was something spartan and cruel about letting Rollo sleep on bare plastic under his igloo, EVEN THOUGH when I tried putting fleece in there he just burrowed underneath it and slept on the bare plastic anyway.

So he got him a bed.

But not just any bed. This is a fuzzy fleece ZEBRA PRINT bed. Because nothing but the best for our little diva.

At first, Rollo kept trying to run underneath it and we had to keep pulling him back out of the igloo and trying again. After several attempts we finally convinced Rollo that he wanted to sleep IN the bed and not UNDER the bed. Now he cuddles up in his beautiful zebra bed under his little fleece blanket all tucked away inside his igloo.

In the following pictures we moved the igloo and took off the blanket so you get to see his grumpy "how dare you wake me" face.

Poor sleepy pig.

Rollo Waking Stage 1:Huffing at us for moving his blanket and exposing him to the light
Rick and I have fallen into a bizarre ritual where we tend to give Rollo dialogue when he makes this face - it usually goes something along the lines of "NOOOO! I live in darkness! I am the night!"

Rollo Waking Stage 2: He thinks if he curls up in a spikey ball maybe we'll go away and he can go back to sleep 
Rollo Waking Stage 3: He wakes fully and relaxes and lets us take him out for snuggle time

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