Saturday, August 23, 2014

Green Bay Zoo

Ricky and I went up to Green Bay to visit the zoo. It was overcast and super humid, which helped keep the crowd down I think. The whole zoo took a little under 2 hours to explore, but it was fun.

We met this peacock in the parking lot

Fallow Deer

I loved the cow on this feeder for the petting zoo!

The 3 Billy Goats Gruff have claimed the bridge

Here's Llama picture number one.

But then it made this face at me...

Pied Crow (African - beautiful bird)

Wattled Crane

Prairie Dog!

This might be the most concerned looking Pronghorn I've ever seen.
It just stood there forever looking very, very worried.

Trumpeter Swan - it was lot more fun to find these in the wild than in the zoo

Took a picture of this Pepsi machine in honor of Ted - "The mini snow leopard"

White Pelican

Juvenile hooded merganser

Wood Duck female 

juvenile blue heron
This burrowing owl was just sitting there looking grumpy...
But then Rick walked up and the owl just STARED at him like this. 

Red Panda - SO CUTE!!

Ring Necked Pheasant

Ruffed Grouse - Rick and I saw one of these little guys while driving out in the North Woods but it flew before we could get a picture.

This little red fox was taking a nap:) Such a cutie!

The otters were snoozing too.

The rare and exotic Raccoon
Hyacinth Macaw
Porcupine - also napping
This Grumpy Seagull met us in the parking lot

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