Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween at Conversations!

We were encouraged to wear costumes to the dining center today!

The mobster is our manager.

Andrew aka: Clark Kent and I in the dish room

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Rosie and Rollo

We get to wear "food service friendly" Halloween costumes at the dining center! YAY! So Fun!

I decided to do Rosie the Riveter and I tried to dress Rollo as a pumpkin but he was super ornery!

This is the only picture where the little fart even half-way cooperated!

And even so he didn't look at the camera. 
Pretty sure he's sitting there contemplating my demise.

Rotten Pumpkin.


Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Lincoln's Sparrows

Rick and I took a trip down to Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge and found flock after flock of Lincoln's sparrows!

And GOBS of Redwing Blackbirds

And also this furry boulder...

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Birdwatching Afternoon: A Groundhog and 2 Barred Owls!

The rare Running Groundhog

Grackle migration is in full swing

Downy Woodpecker preening

Downy Woodpecker

glowing Squirrel - he was pretty hard to miss

The path through Carr Park - I loved the way it faded from yellow into green

A little male Red-bellied Woodpecker stashing an acorn

Lincoln's Sparrow

Lincoln's Sparrow
I was SO excited! They were AMAZING!!
1st Barred Owl in Tree 1

2nd Barred Owl (he was a little bigger than his mate) 

1st Barred Owl in Tree 2

1st Barred Owl in Tree 3

Birdwatching Morning

Ricky and I headed off to Petersen Pits and McFarland this morning to do some birdwatching!

Yellow Bellied Sapsucker! We only ever see these guys during migration seasons

The grass was so pretty this morning

White Throated Sparrow

Heat rising off the Pits


More pretty grass!

Fluffy White Seeds!


Great Blue Heron sunning himself by the Skunk River


Fox Sparrow - photo by Rick

Fox Sparrow - Photo by Rick

House Wren


House Wren

English Sparrows - Photo by Rick

Red Bellied Woodpecker

Ruby Crowned Kinglet

Hermit Thrush

More Mushrooms!

Bluebird! We were really surprised to see him


Monday, October 6, 2014