Saturday, October 11, 2014

Birdwatching Afternoon: A Groundhog and 2 Barred Owls!

The rare Running Groundhog

Grackle migration is in full swing

Downy Woodpecker preening

Downy Woodpecker

glowing Squirrel - he was pretty hard to miss

The path through Carr Park - I loved the way it faded from yellow into green

A little male Red-bellied Woodpecker stashing an acorn

Lincoln's Sparrow

Lincoln's Sparrow
I was SO excited! They were AMAZING!!
1st Barred Owl in Tree 1

2nd Barred Owl (he was a little bigger than his mate) 

1st Barred Owl in Tree 2

1st Barred Owl in Tree 3

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