Thursday, March 26, 2015

Wedding Plans Underway!

According to every wedding website I've read, it takes 6+ months to plan a wedding.
Rick's decided the rest of the world is just inefficient as it's taken "us" (used loosely) just under a week to book everything except a florist and rings.
Which I'm working on, hopefully today I'll have the florist taken care of, and rings involves dragging Rick to a jewelers, which he's afraid of. Which is ridiculous.

But in any case, I'm excited to say Invitations Are In The Mail and our wedding website is up and running!

I wanted an "engagement photo" to put on our invitation, but because we planned everything so quickly we didn't have time to book a professional, so we went out to the Iowa Arboretum to take our own!

I looked like a nutter running back and forth to the tripod, but they turned out really well!

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