Thursday, April 30, 2015

Building our Bags Set!

Rick and I wanted a bags set for our wedding reception.  
Dad built me regulation frames and I've been working on painting them. We don't really have "colors" for our wedding, but Rick's shirt and Sarah and Mom's dresses are sort of teal-ish, so I went with that, and I thought yellow would be a nice contrasting color. Amazon didn't have regulation teal beanbags, or yellow that didn't look like yellow mustard, but Renee and Janice have more royal blue dresses and the gray was a close match so I went with those.  

I also painted hedgehogs on the beanbags - they needed some jazzing up. I also put T's on the back and am considering putting 5-15-15 on them too, but haven't made up my mind about that yet.

Sunday, April 12, 2015


Ricky and I spent an entire day birdwatching! It's been forever since we've been able to do that!

Turtles are back!
This log was apparently the place to be 

I was really excited to see wood flowers blooming. They make everything more cheery.
We sent our flowers field guide home, so I don't have names for most of the flowers. I'll update next time I'm home to look them up.

Black-capped Chickadee

This is probably the prettiest bluebird picture I've ever taken. It was SO EXCITING to get both the male and female in the same shot!

The rare and elusive White-tailed Deer.

This cardinal was SO BRIGHT!

We heard his tell-tale "who-cooks-for-you" long before we flushed him from his hollow tree. But then we HAD to find him!

He watched us Very Carefully!

We never get tired of seeing these Barred Owls!

Pink Dutchman's Britches!

A whole line of Tree Swallows - and a Barn Swallow on the far right
Ring-billed Ducks!

Ring-billed Ducks - we saw a LOT of these today!
I thought I was taking a picture of Ring-billed Ducks,
but then I spotted the raccoon behind them!

The Raccoon swims to shore

A whole tree full of blackbirds