Thursday, April 30, 2015

Building our Bags Set!

Rick and I wanted a bags set for our wedding reception.  
Dad built me regulation frames and I've been working on painting them. We don't really have "colors" for our wedding, but Rick's shirt and Sarah and Mom's dresses are sort of teal-ish, so I went with that, and I thought yellow would be a nice contrasting color. Amazon didn't have regulation teal beanbags, or yellow that didn't look like yellow mustard, but Renee and Janice have more royal blue dresses and the gray was a close match so I went with those.  

I also painted hedgehogs on the beanbags - they needed some jazzing up. I also put T's on the back and am considering putting 5-15-15 on them too, but haven't made up my mind about that yet.

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