Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Honeymoon Day 3: Grand Canyon, Powell Lake and Zion

Grand Canyon

*Stellar's Jay


Grand Canyon

Elk - we had to wait for this one to saunter across the room


Dark Eyed Junco - (*Oregon morph)

*Western Bluebird

Western Bluebird
It was a balmy 13 degrees at the Grand Canyon, which was just too cold to have any fun, so we drove north and down to lower elevations and slightly warmer temperatures.
Horse in a national forest, not sure if it's wild or not, it was just sort of chilling with its friends
one of the friends

From there we headed up to Lake Powell in the Glenn Canyon Recreational Area


Ring Necked Ducks

Red Breasted Mergansers

Common Merganser

mixed group of common and red-breasted Mergansers and the Coot

Ricky on the ergs at Lake Powell

After we got tired of climbing on the ergs at Lake Powell, we headed north again to Zion National Park
Window looking into the tunnel we had to drive through on our way through Zion

All of Zion is majestic looking. We can't wait to hike it tomorrow!

Big Horn Sheep 

Frozen Waterfall coming down the rocks at Zion

Deer at Zion

Mule Deer - we had to wait for this guy to saunter across the road too

He really took his time

Hermit Thrush
Hampton Inn just outside Zion - it's SUPER NICE!
We're pretty sure our room here is bigger than our Minneapolis Apartment

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