Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Hickory Grove Lake and Big Wall Lake

I had a couple days off while the kids were at the State Fair with their Grandma, so Rick and I took Rocinante out for some fun on the water!

Green Heron at Hickory Grove, he has a SUPER TINY fish!

Painted Turtle at Hickory Grove

Killdeer at Hickory Grove 

Wood Ducks at Hickory Grove

Orange Spotted Purple at Hickory Grove

Yellow Headed Blackbird at Big Wall

Marsh Wren at Big Wall

Marsh Wren at Big Wall

Water Lily at Big Wall - the marsh was full of them!
We also saw an American Coot and a American Bittern - we flushed him 3 times! But he was so fast and didn't stay in the air more than a few seconds before dropping back into the weeds, so I never managed to get his picture.

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