Saturday, August 17, 2013

Lake Red Rock and Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge

Rick and I took advantage of some cool nights and spent the weekend camping near Lake Red Rock, but due to bugs and the fact that we had to share all the trails with Horses - read as:
We had to go elsewhere to do our birdwatching.

Dog people are required to clean up after their animal, Even when said animal does its business on the SIDE of the trail. Horse people however, are allowed to let THEIR animal crap right in the middle of the trail and are never required to pick up after it. As a birdwatcher, this ruins the trail. When you want to see birds, you have to look UP, you can't however, look up and watch what you're about to step in at the same time. 

So we spent the majority of our time at the Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge, where there are no horses to poop all over the hiking trails.

We had a great time!
White Pelicans gather for the fall migration at lake Red Rock

A Lesser Yellowlegs wades in Lake Red Rock

A Bison statue at the Prairie City Casey's
 Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge
Momma and Baby Elk!

Grasshopper Sparrow

A chipmunk pretends to be part of this stick in hopes we won't notice him

Tiger Swallowtail

A Dickcissel posts up on a pretty prairie plant

Eastern Black Swallowtail

Some kind of Sulpher, I can't tell if it's an Orange Sulpher or a Common Sulpher

Eastern Black Swallowtail

Eastern Black Swallowtail

A tricky Viceroy mimics a Monarch 
Bull Elk

Rick and a giant badger head in the visitor center 

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