Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Fall Decorating!

School's back in session and with the start of September I got to change all our summer decorations to the fall ones!

The wreath on the door went from something very similar to this (forgot to take my own picture!) but instead of using a pre-made wreath like the one on Camilla Fabri's blog, I made mine by stabbing cocktail umbrellas into pipe insulation (cause it's WAY CHEAPER than an actual wreath, and for any DIY decorators, you get enough insulation to make 2 wreaths!)

Now my door looks like this
The wreath is one I decorated myself, the owl was a gift from Rick's mom. He's so cute!

I also, sadly, had to change out the petunias, which were gorgeous all summer, but were quickly turning brown from the bottom up, and planted Mums in their place so our porch wouldn't look so dead.

Our porch from the sidewalk. We've got the prettiest porch on our building by far! No one else around here decorates! We've got a Nyjer feeder, a Sunflower feeder, a Hummingbird feeder and the green bowl on the railing is a heated bird bath (right now it's not plugged in). 

mum #1

mum #2

mum #3 (and the mini hummingbird feeder)

And the table centerpiece got changed from the beach memory jars to a pumpkin jar!


 And my pretty leaf candy dishes (from the dollar section at Target!) get to make a re-appearance!

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