Wednesday, January 29, 2014

MLK Quote revised

After I ranted about how this particular assignment lacked meaning because it lacked context, I went back and revamped it!
Original "We must use time creatively" doodle

Finished "We must use time creatively" doodle - I added parts of the letter to the watch gears and a chained purple martin - I'd originally thought to add a bird cage because the letter was written from a cell in Birmingham jail, but then that went to bird, where I immediately went to Purple Martin and decided I liked that better. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Art Ed

I'm taking an Art Education course this semester. My professor is oddly reminiscent of Madam Mim... she hasn't broken into song yet, but she does have frizzy hair (not purple, though I have a DIFFERENT teacher with purple hair) and wore pink and purple on the first day of class. 
Madam Mim and Merlin from Disney's "Sword in the Stone"
Anyway, I'm not 100% sure what I'm doing in Art Ed yet, but I love the class. Mostly because it's a chance to doodle and play with colored pencils!

This is a "zentangle" I did to decorate the cover of my sketch book, I actually started it before the semester began in my notebook, Rick estimates I have about 20 hours into it. It's oddly therapeutic and the more detail you add, the harder it is to find where you mess up.

We were instructed to save the first couple pages of our sketch books for our "contents" pages. I jazzed mine up a bit because content pages are boring. 

We had to find an "inspiring quote" about art or creativity. I picked "There are no rules of architecture for a castle in the clouds" by G.K.Chesterton because it reminded me of one of my favorite movies "Howl's Moving Castle" - So I did a doodle inspired by that to accompany my quote. 
The "castle" from Howl's Moving Castle

We also were assigned to find a quote from Martin Luther King Jr. so I found "We must use time creatively" and drew the insides of a pocket watch. I gave it the "serial number" 1151929MLKJR441968 which can also be read as
1-15-1929 MLK Jr. 4-4-1968 his birth and death dates,
and the pocket watch in the middle is stopped at 6:01 - the time he was shot.

My biggest problem with all these "find a quote" assignments, is that I do exactly what everyone else in my class does, I hop onto brainy quotes, or the quotations page, or pinterest, type in a topic or person and just pull one that catches my attention.
With the art quote I wasn't as frustrated, find a quote that inspires your creativity, okay fine, not a lot of context needed, but Martin Luther King Jr.?
Without the context of his background or the civil rights movement and the part he played in it, it's meaningless. You can't look at the quote "We must use time creatively" and know that he wrote that in a letter to his fellow clergymen from a jail cell in Birmingham, Alabama in 1963 after said "fellows" criticized his methods in his crusade for civil rights.
The quote caught my eye because his time was cut short and I instantly decided I wanted to draw a pocket watch, most probably because I find circles aesthetically pleasing,  but I only read the actual letter AFTER I'd done the doodle and now I'm considering revamping my sketch to play more into the situation in which it was written.
It's not due till next monday. I have time to play.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Batch 2 brewed!

Rick brewed his second batch of beer today (I "helped" ie: I held a funnel)
Boiling the wort 
Putting the wort in an ice bath before putting it into the fermenters. I wasn't home for this step last time.
 Rick made a 3 gallon batch this time. It will be a strawberry wheat beer when he's done.
carboys and blow-off tubes in the closet... by the light bulbs... because yeast likes something to look at while fermenting.

It'll take about 4 weeks for this beer to be finished!

Beer Bottling Day!

Today was 2 weeks from Brewing Day = Bottling Day for Rick's inaugural batch of Blonde. I didn't get pictures of the actual bottling process because I had to help hold things and/so my hands were all sticky.  But here are the before and after pictures of Rick's first brew!

Getting everything sanitized

Rick examines his brew in the fermenter - all the sediment at the bottom is the yeast

Ready to bottle!

Rick's beer all bottled!
Beer bottling just wouldn't be right without coffee, hence the goldfinch mug on the table. 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

DIY Pot hanger! And a rant...

Rick's really enjoying the idea of being a beer brewer, but his supplies take up a LOT of space. So I've been re-arranging the kitchen to accommodate his new hobby. I saw an idea in a Martha Stewart magazine Janice had, where she'd taken a towel bar and converted it into a wall mounted pot hanger. I spent a couple days hunting around ames for a towel bar that WASN'T CHROME.


I considered a shelf, but all the ones I found in the range I wanted to spend were WAY too short to hang our pots under and one wide enough to set our pots on top of would make half our stove unusable. I was really hoping for something around 36" and that apparently doesn't exist under $20 if you're going for a pre-fab, pre-painted shelf.

So I said screw it, I'll build my own pot hanger.

I went to Lowe's where an old man tried to tell me what I wanted to do and what I wanted to spend.
I very nearly murdered him in the lumber department.

I was looking for plant hangers - because plant hangers are meant to be end loaded, which was what I wanted to do, when old man-knows-better-than-me asked if he could help me, and I was like "yeah, I'm looking for a couple matching plant hangers that are rated for at least 12 lbs that I can run a rod between." He asked, "Oh, what are you making?"  And I explained my whole pot hanging plan and he said "oh you want a shelf."

No I DON'T want a shelf.
I've already LOOKED at your shelves and they don't suit my needs, space, OR budget. If I Wanted a shelf I'd be in the clearly marked SHELVING aisle and not poking around in the piddly remnants of your garden department.
I want plant hangers.
I found the plant hangers on my own while he told me all about the overpriced shelves I didn't want.

He then followed me into hardware where I was looking for drywall screws. "What do you need now?" I said, "drywall screws", "Oh, those are here." And he handed me a box of Tapcons.

Tapcon, for anyone unfamiliar with the brand, makes CONCRETE ANCHORS. They're these giant heavy duty high impact screws that you can drill into concrete. They'd be perfect if I wanted to hang all my pots and pans in a parking garage, but not only do I NOT OWN a drill capable of installing such a screw, but I imagine that when front loaded they rip out of drywall like any other inappropriate anchoring device.
Drywall screws on the other hand, have these flimsy looking plastic anchors that you drill in with the screw and they help to spread the load around because attaching things to drywall is kind of like drilling into chalk, it's a lousy anchor. But my pots aren't all that heavy and as old and cheaply done as my apartment is, I can only imagine the studs are NOT spaced according to current building codes and I can't be bothered to look for them.
Lowes didn't have S hooks in the size I wanted, but that actually turned out for the better because I got 8 hooks instead and bent out one end to hang the pots on while the other end stays permanently attached to the rod. I think we would have been knocking the S hooks off every time we grabbed a pot.

Then we, because I apparently wasn't going to shake Carl-the-helpful, headed back to lumber so I could find the dowel rods myself while he continued to insist that what I really wanted was a shelf. After I got my dowel rod and told him, "That's everything on my list"
hint hint: you can go harass someone else now, he had the audacity to tell me "Now you be careful when you use a drill. Or let your husband do it."

What I said was "Thanks. I can handle it." What I thought was, "Old man, I will beat you to death with this dowel rod if you don't stop talking right now."
Not only am I more than capable of wielding a drill, despite it's apparently testosterone-driven-status as a power tool, but my husband-to-be doesn't care about home improvement projects, organization projects or anything even remotely related to the decorating or storage needs of our apartment.
He doesn't want to plan them, he doesn't want to install them, he wants to come home and say "oh, that looks good" when they're finished.

But anyway,
after much aggravation I managed to build and install my pot hanger (ALL BY MYSELF!!) and I am quite pleased with the result!

Pot hanger!

All the pots hang high enough that they don't interfere with the oven or the dishwasher opening, and you can see why a wide shelf would have been in the way. 
Side view. The plant hangers are actually really pretty, and they even match the color of the pulls on all the cabinets and drawers (pure coincidence). I thought about staining the dowel to match our ugly laminated cupboards, but it's not worth it for so little stain and what would I do with the rest of it? I may eventually DIY a stain with coffee grounds - according to pinterest that's a thing - but I'm not shelling out six dollars for such a tiny piece of wood in such an ugly kitchen.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


This was Rollo in Rick's hand on 10-23-13

This is Rollo in Rick's hand on 1-6-14
Look at his little fangs! He's such a monster!
Rick thinks he looks sinister in this picture.

This is his paw of dismissal.
He wants Rick to put him down.


Rick and I decided to shake off some of our cabin fever with a trip to the Reiman Gardens Butterfly House! It always feels a little like cheating to take pictures of animals in a "zoo" setting, but it really shook off some of the winter blues to go visit the butterflies.

I did my best to identify the butterflies, but because they're from all over the world (Instead of just North America) I don't have a book for it so I had to make do with google searches and the limited working links on the Reiman Gardens website.
Tree Nymph Butterfly

Great Yellow Mormon

Common Parides

Orange Lacewing Butterfly 
Mexican Bluewing Butterfly

Common Mormon (m)

Common Eggfly (m)

Great Yellow Mormon (f)

Blue Morpho Butterfly

Snail - apparently the butterfly house is home to a few hitchhikers that have smuggled themselves inside in potted plants. The girl who answered questions for us while we were in the butterfly house said it was home to anywhere from 500 to 700 butterflies, a few tiny singing tree frogs, several snails, an exotic species of millipede with pink feet and a colony of tiny ants that have made their home behind the utility closet. 

Tree Nymph Butterfly

Orange Lacewing Butterfly 
Orange Dead Leaf

Pipevine Swallowtail
Orange Lacewing Butterfly 

Chrysalis hanging/hatching at Reiman Gardens

Owl Butterfly

Tree Nymph Butterfly

Happy House Finch Flock

We woke up this morning to our happy flock of house finch on the porch. At one point we had ten of them out there. We've got about 1/2 male 1/2 female, but the males spend a lot more time posing for us than the females do.

Bright Red Rump!



2 males and 2 females

These are some pictures Rick took of one of our little males