Monday, January 6, 2014

Rick and Bill Brewing Beer

Rick got a home brewing Beer Kit for Christmas.
Today, he and his friend "Bill" (both Chemical Engineers) decided to give it a go.
The kit is the Brooklyn Brew Shop "Beyond Blonde" mix and should take about 2 weeks to ferment and then is supposed to rest another 2 weeks after being bottled. So it'll be a month before we actually know if today was a success or not. But they appeared to be having a good time and Rick is pretty optimistic about it.

Rick getting the water up to temperature before he adding the grain

The Beer brewing supplies

The mash

Rick mashing

Rick and Bill pouring the mash into the wok so they can sparge it

Rick and Bill using the lauter tun to strain water through the mash

More sparging

close up of first sparge - Rick and Bill sparged the mash twice

Rick's first attempt at beer brewing - starting the fermentation process
The instructions Rick followed for his first attempt at brewing beer

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