Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Rick and I decided to shake off some of our cabin fever with a trip to the Reiman Gardens Butterfly House! It always feels a little like cheating to take pictures of animals in a "zoo" setting, but it really shook off some of the winter blues to go visit the butterflies.

I did my best to identify the butterflies, but because they're from all over the world (Instead of just North America) I don't have a book for it so I had to make do with google searches and the limited working links on the Reiman Gardens website.
Tree Nymph Butterfly

Great Yellow Mormon

Common Parides

Orange Lacewing Butterfly 
Mexican Bluewing Butterfly

Common Mormon (m)

Common Eggfly (m)

Great Yellow Mormon (f)

Blue Morpho Butterfly

Snail - apparently the butterfly house is home to a few hitchhikers that have smuggled themselves inside in potted plants. The girl who answered questions for us while we were in the butterfly house said it was home to anywhere from 500 to 700 butterflies, a few tiny singing tree frogs, several snails, an exotic species of millipede with pink feet and a colony of tiny ants that have made their home behind the utility closet. 

Tree Nymph Butterfly

Orange Lacewing Butterfly 
Orange Dead Leaf

Pipevine Swallowtail
Orange Lacewing Butterfly 

Chrysalis hanging/hatching at Reiman Gardens

Owl Butterfly

Tree Nymph Butterfly

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