Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Big Wall

Rick and I picked up Rocinante to head out on the water! Today was a paddle around Big Wall marsh! It was amazing! We were really just hoping to find Yellow-headed Blackbirds, because we found a solitary female there last fall. We found HUNDREDS of YHBlackbirds, a Sora, and two new species we'd never seen before!
Baby Robin begs for food in a tree in Papa Steve's yard

Yellow-headed blackbird (first male sighting)

Yellow-headed Blackbird (female)


Yellow-headed Blackbird

Black Tern

Black Tern

Swallow battle! We'd never seen tree swallows fight like this. They were really going at it.

But then the first swallow knocked the second into the water, you can see his little head poking up, and swallow 1 flew away. Swallow 2 flew away a second or two later. 
Sora - It just walked right out!



Muskrat mansion! They were everywhere!

Black-bellied Plover (FIRST SIGHTING!!)

Black-bellied Plover

A great paddle ended with a rainbow!

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