Sunday, May 11, 2014

Rick Fishing!!!

The meteorologists lied to Rick again and told him it would rain all day.
It didn't.
But because of the weather report and cloudy skies, I had taken the car to work because Ricky thought he wouldn't need it.
So when the sun came out 15 minutes into my shift Ricky couldn't go fishing because his poles were in the back of the car.

So after close, Rick and I went out to McFarland where he caught a ton of bass and a few bluegills in the mix on a lure I picked out for him at Walmart!
Apparently the fish thought it was cute too!

Summer tanager (male, molting)

Green Heron



The mighty fisherman

Yellow Warbler

Ricky and one of his bluegill

Ricky and a largemouth bass

Ricky and another largemouth Bass

Ricky and another bass

Ricky and a good sized largemouth bass

Ricky and a largemouth bass

Ricky and his big largemouth bass

Ricky's big bass picture #2

Ricky and another largemouth bass

another of Ricky's largemouth bass

Ricky and another largemouth bass

Ricky and his last bluegill of the night (it was getting SO dark!)
Rick estimates he caught close to twenty fish. I believe him. There was a point where it seemed like he had a bass on every third cast! I didn't get pictures of all of them, but Rick was having a lot of fun.

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