Sunday, May 8, 2016

Birdwatching at Jester Park

We love the bird blind and feeder at Jester Park! 
So many visitors! We can't wait to build our own someday!

The rare and elusive red squirrel 
juvy rose-breasted grosbeak coming into his adult plumage - I had no idea they had red under their wings until today!

The juvy RBG again

female rose-breasted grosbeak
female cardinal

female cardinal

blue jays - these guys were EVERYWHERE

male cardinal

red-bellied woodpecker

blue jay
it turns out that redwing blackbirds CAN eat together

but not happily

mourning dove

the juvy RBG (left) with an adult male (right)
They're So Pretty!

mourning dove

blue jay

These male cowbirds were really trying to show off for a little female who was too busy hopping around eating to pay much attention to them.

He was very persistent
 We were lucky to get in some great pictures before a small child went running up the side (the outside) of the blind and scared everything off.

We decided at that point to go hiking the trails instead.
fox sparrow

Hermit Thrush
 The trail was hopping with Hermit Thrush, we heard a lot of warblers too, but they like to sing from the tree tops and with the cloudy skies we couldn't get any decent pictures of them up there.
Hairy Woodpecker (male)

Hairy Woodpecker (male)

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