Sunday, May 8, 2016

Walking the High Trestle Trail

After we got done at Jester Park, we went home for a bit, and then went out again to walk the High Trestle Trail. We usually walk it at dusk, so never take the camera, but today we were early enough to have some light.

The rare and elusive cotton tail rabbit

Another rare and elusive rabbit
these guys are super hard to find

3 mallards and a hybrid.
Apparently, mallards will breed with anything that's even remotely duck-ish, and so there are innumerable variations of these "hybrid mallards" 

Sand pipers are back!

molting female cardinal 
the Tree Swallows are also back!

silk worms

Barn Swallows are back!

this hilarious halloween bat has been in a tree on the side of the trail since before Rick and I moved in

Eastern Towhee!

blue jay

My Muskrat!
I look for this little guy every night!

Magenta Honeysuckle

Black Capped Chickadee

Yellow Honeysuckle

Not sure what this is. At first I thought it was more honeysuckle, but the flowers are different.

White/Pink Honeysuckle

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