Sunday, May 23, 2010

Doolin and Inishere

Barefoot at The Burren!

Erin at Inishere

We didn't know this dog. But he wanted our food.

Rick and Erin at the Cliffs of Moher

Kait and Rick on the way to Doolin

Road stop on the way to Doolin

Castle on the way to Doolin

Josh, Kyle and NacMacFeegle at The Burren

Ben and Anna at The Burren

Erin and Anna at The Burren

There's a legend that says if you pick a rock up at the bottom and carry it to the top and throw it off, it's good luck. Anna, Rick and I all tried it at The Burren.

Cliffs of Moher

Rachel, Matt, Rick, Josh, Steve, Erin and Ben at the Cliffs of Moher

Laundry Battle in Doolin 
On the Boat to Inishere!

Matt with Kelp on Inishere

This little rock cairns were everywhere!

So were these rock walls.

Ship wreck on Inishere

Steve finds a seal on the beach

ROCK DOG!! We would throw a rock and this dog would run into the waves and drag it out with his feet so he didn't have to stick his nose in the water. Such a great dog!

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