Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sligo and Knocknarea

Giant Erin at the beach on the way to Sligo

Rick playing "Arrows" with Steve at a pub in Sligo

Rick, Erin and Anna on Knocknarea

Rick climbing Knocknarea

Erin and Rick wander through the weeds to stand on a boulder on the side of Knocknarea

Anna, Ben and Erin outside the B&B in Sligo

Erin at Tobernalt

Sarah, Rachel and Anna in Sligo

in Sligo


Matt on a wall at Sligo


Matt, Ben and Josh at Tobernalt

Ben and Josh

Statue waiting for her sailor to come home outside Sligo

Nick and Brooke explore tidepools 

mexican standoff!

WB Yeats and his wife's graves beneath Ben Bulben

Josh and Ben at Glencar Waterfall

at Glencar Waterfall

at Glencar Waterfall

Anna at Glencar Waterfall

NacMacFeegle makes a friend!

Steve and Rick on Knocknarea

Anna on Knocknarea

Rick at the tidepools

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