Monday, July 22, 2013

Blank Park Zoo

I had a 4 day weekend, so after a few days visiting our folks, Rick and I headed to Blank Park Zoo in Des Moines to see some animals!

Bald Eagle: North America

Grey Crowned Crane : Africa

Kori Bustard : Africa - These guys were Rick's favorite, they're sort of like huge African RoadRunners

Eastern Black Rhinoceros : Africa - The Rhino came with a  sign that read "Why isn't the Rhino outside? The rhinos are gradually being introduced to their outdoor enclosures. Rhinos are very sensitive (and have terrible eyesight), and tend to adjust very slowly to changes in their environment, which includes new enclosures! Every day the rhino keepers spend several hours training with the rhinos to encourage them to go outside, but they are still very wary and often will refuse to go out. Please be patient with them while they settle in to their new home!" Rick's response to this was, "So what we've learned today is that Rhino's are slow."

Stanley Crane : Africa

Superb Starling : Africa

Reticulated Giraffe : Africa

Lesser Kudu : Africa
Japanese Macaque  

Golden-Headed Tamarin

White-Handed Gibbon : Southeast Asia
Amur Tiger 

 Snow Leopard : Asia  

Lion : Africa

Black tailed Prairie Dog

California Sea Lion

King Vulture : South America

Magellan Penguin : South America

Peruvian Squirrel Monkey : South America


I LOVED this goat! He didn't have a sign (that I noticed) but he was sharing a pen in the "Kids Corner" petting zoo with an equally sketchy-looking miniature donkey. I couldn't stop laughing at Bucket Goat's face! 

Light Brahma Chicken

Miniature Zebu - it was like an adorable tiny cow!

This ring-tailed lemur made us laugh almost as hard as Bucket Goat. 

Rainbow Lorikeet

Red Lori

Black Swan - you can see their crazy curled feathers on the back swan

Budgerigar - I didn't know these little monsters were from Australia! You could pay to go in the cage and feed them, but Rick and I don't know anyone who's ever owned a NICE Budgie, so we opted for picture taking OUTSIDE their reach.

Kookaburra! These guys were SO CUTE!! The song was stuck in my head all afternoon...



This Red Wallaby had an itch. These guys just ran loose in the Australia enclosure, they were adorable!

Crested Pigeon 

Chestnut Teal

Whistling duck

Cattle Egret - This guy reminded Rick and I of our Green Herons

Nicobar Pigeon

Black Palm Cockatoo : Australia / Indonesia 

Blue-faced Honeyeater - I LOVED THIS BIRD!!! He was gorgeous!

River Otter

Chilean Flamingo

It was feeding time at the fish tank

I was taking a picture of a big ugly Pacu Fish when this ray snuck into frame.  What a face!

Dwarf Caiman

Viktoria Crowned Pigeon
Gouldian Finch : Australia - I fell in love with these brilliant little singers. They were adorable and what I assumed to be the Males came in two distinct patterns. Maybe two different types of finch?

Pattern 1: this one perfectly matched the sign

Pattern 2

Green Winged Pigeon : Asia

Pond Turtle

Giant Madagascar Day Gecko

possibly a Lady Amherst's Pheasant?

Rothschild's Peacock Pheasant

It only took us a couple hours to go through the zoo, but we had a ton of fun!

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