Sunday, July 7, 2013


Rick finally got a weekend off to go fishing!
Rick and Erin bought a bouquet of lilies at the  farmers market down the street to decorate the kitchen table!
 Saturday morning, Rick and Erin picked up Rocinante and hit up Petersen Pit for some Jug Fishing!
Ricky and his catfish! This little guy was MAD!  He had the jug jumping all over the place before Rick managed to pull him in.
We spent Saturday evening paddling around Ada Hayden.
Big bullfrog at Ada Hayden

another big Bullfrog at Ada Hayden - this one was much darker than the other . They were singing to each other

We think these are female gadwall ducks. 

female mallard with her head all spiky from dabbling 
 Sunday afternoon was spent at Cambridge Pond catching sunfish and bluegills on night crawlers!
very pretty leopard frog!

A little toad - he was sitting about 2 feet from the leopard frog
 Rick caught a total of 13 fish at Cambridge Pond!


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