Saturday, December 14, 2013

STAM elves

Life as a chocolate shop employee would not be complete, apparently, if we weren't asked at least once a holiday season to dress as elves.

Today was the Ames Cultural District's "Legend of Snow Magic" event - Santa was supposedly making the rounds (and apparently headquartered a few doors down at the Cupcake Emporium) but I didn't see him.
Perhaps all the Stam elves are on the naughty list?
In any case, it was requested that we wear elf costumes supplied by the ACD council.
And all the Stam employees are good sports -or we wouldn't be working in the service industry- so we had fun with it and I brought in my camera to make sure I got a few good pictures of elves at work.

Elf Erin and Elf Bronson get ready to open the shop for a super busy Saturday!

The shoes did not last long. We got tired of stepping on the bells and they're too slippery and catch too many splinters from our 100+ year old floor. And a full shift of standing on hardwood with zero arch support is just asking for back pain. Even for elves.

left to right: Elf Josh, Elf Quentin and Elf Bronson

Elf Rachel gives us her "happy face"

Elf Josh prepares drinks for a customer

The Stam Staff! (minus managers)
(left to right) back row: Josh, Rachel, Bronson / front row: Quentin, Erin, and Haley
Terry (the owner) took this group picture. But we spent a lot of time today having our pictures snapped by random strangers while we were working.
As Santa's best looking elves, our faces are flying around smart phones throughout the city.

Terry made this picture sparkly to put on the Stam facebook page. You can view the sparkly version here.

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