Saturday, January 4, 2014

Rollo Rearranging

Rollo likes to redecorate his cage at night. Most mornings I wake up to find he's taken his crinkle ball into his igloo or shoved his Pringles can or toilet paper tube into a corner or under his wheel. But last night he was apparently feeling extra industrious because Rick and I woke up to find this.

It must have taken quite a bit of work to get the toilet paper tube through the tunnel that connects the two parts of his cage and even more to maneuver it into his igloo with his blanket in there. (He's under the blanket - you can see his little quills under the left corner. That crazy looking pink thing in the bottom is his stuffed hedgehog.)

We don't know why he insists on crowding his toys into his igloo. I think it gives him something to do besides running on his wheel. He's such a funny hog.

I originally had this entire "room" of his pen lined in felt pieces, but he just kept digging under them and sleeping on the bare plastic anyway. So I took out all the extra ones and now he just has one at a time for a blanket. He seems to like that better and I don't have to do his "laundry" as often.

He also has a humidifier running 24/7 above his cage now, because like me, he's suffering from dry, itchy skin courtesy of freeze-dried Iowa and our apartments forced air heat.

He's so spoiled.

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