Saturday, July 5, 2014

Birding from Green Bay to the UP

Rick has a hilarious Great Blue Heron who hangs out on the tops of the buildings in the morning. 

Here he has bed head

Here he finally got himself sorted out and is ready to do some fishing

Baby Cardinal! Dad was nearby looking bright red and pretty

Chipmunk. He posed so nicely on this fencepost!

A TON of mallards

A Redhead and his lady friend

Turkey Hen on the trail

We think this is a juvenile grosbeak because the bill is so thick

Western Painted Turtle (Rick and I are used to seeing Eastern Painted Turtles - they have yellow necks- so we were thrown when this painted had a red neck)

baby Robin

House Wren

juvenile flycatcher

Yellow Warbler

Great Horned Owl with a Snake!!
(I didn't get a picture of him facing us, only of him flying away)

Monarch on milkweed

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