Friday, May 15, 2015

WEDDING DAY! - Part 6 - post-ceremony photos and reception!

Our photographer, Mallory, was a friend of Rick's aunt and uncle and was amazing!
We didn't notice her at all during the ceremony and she gave us just incredible pictures!
Rick and I sitting in front of Iowa's oldest grist mill!

It started with nice pictures

But then Rick said something - I forget what it was - I'm sure it had do with calling me short
This is also my Dad's favorite picture. I've been making this face at people since I was tiny

Out on the dam across Mill Creek

Grandma and Grandpa get their selfie-faces on with Renee and Lynn!
Rick and Phil challenge Sarah and I for an epic game of ladder ball between the ceremony and reception

I was sadly the weak link in Sarah and I's team.
Poor Sarah.
Instead of a traditional guest book, Rick and I opted for a guest tree canvas that we'll be able to hang up and look at!

Renee and Sarah both gave beautiful toasts during our reception dinner
Getting our newlywed selfie on - Even Dad jumped in
Wonderful end to a perfect day!

WEDDING DAY! - Part 5 - family pics!

Because so much of our family was gathered, we had the perfect opportunity to take some amazing pictures!

A picture of our parents having second thoughts

The whole clan!

My new favorite picture of Mom and I!

Me with both Moms

Rick with both Moms

Me with both Dads
The bouquets! SO SO pretty!
I really loved the green berries! They were so cute!
For bridesmaids gifts I got Sarah and Renee spoon bracelets! Renee's "Orange Blossom" (bottom center) is made from spoons circa de 1910, Sarah's "Jubilee" (top left) is from the 1950's and my sunflowers (top right) are from 1953 

Because all our hands were in the middle like we were getting ready to power up Sarah made the joke "By our powers combined!"

So we went with Captain Planet's "GO PLANET!" 
Rick and I with our sisters and parents!

Rick and I with our bridesmaids and their assistants
Phil and Lynn really helped everything to run smoothly!

Sarah and Phil

Renee and Lynn
We have a more normalized picture of them, but this is more their style

WEDDING DAY! - Part 4 - Our Ceremony

We had a small, family only ceremony and reception.
The small size was perfect for our peaceful park setting!

Our guests waiting while we fiddle around preparing to walk down the aisle
The mismatched folding chairs made Sarah CRAZY
No one else even noticed.
Rick and I decided against having a rehearsal so everyone got their instructions just before the ceremony started.
Sarah and Renee where the best part! They were so funny!
Originally they were told (by our Rev.) that they'd walk down the aisle and then after Rick got up there they were supposed to sit down next to Phil and Linn
But, after the Rev. got up there, he told Sarah and Renee to keep standing!
They had no idea what they were doing!
Rick walks his mom down the aisle

Rick and my mom

The entire wedding party thought Sarah and Renee were supposed to be sitting at this point. They were giggling the entire time and I laughed all the way down the aisle!

Bob welcomes me to the family!
Sarah and Renee still giggling - still no idea what they're supposed to do. They weren't even sure where to stand! 

Rick and I both love the dandelions in this picture!
The mirror image is just too perfect!

Rick and I were supposed to exchange our "I do's" and when the Reverend asked if Rick had the rings, Sarah (our unofficial ring bearer) was supposed to jump up with a third "I do!"
But it didn't quite work that way - because she was standing when she thought she'd be sitting, and so had left the rings with Phil while she walked down the aisle
She still called out her line when she supposed to, followed be a "err, uh- He does!" and scurried across the aisle to where Phil was sitting to get them. Sarah was mortified, everyone else loved it. 

Love this picture too!
The park was just perfect!

Our Mom's start off the sand ceremony by each pouring a little jar of sand
Rick and I take turns filling our unity jar
Signing our marriage license

Legally binding!
After about 20 minutes and much giggling we were officially Husband and Wife!