Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Picking on Rick...

So sometimes I get a little bored
Especially when Rick is in studying at the library
and I'm proud of him for that,
but he leaves his computer here at the apartment...



This is his new desktop background. He hasn't discovered it just yet.

picture found on Pinterest, taken from Galactic Salvage Yard

You might, like my lovely sister, ask "WHAT is THAT?"
and I'd have to answer the same way I answered her - "It's clearly a cat riding a hamburger through space"

Because why not?

1 comment:

  1. Rick discovered his new background, his response was "Is that a cat riding a double-bacon cheeseburger through space? I'm going to change my password." He then hunted down a picture of Gandalf to put as his background and got rid of my awesome cat.
