Friday, October 11, 2013

Rick's Co-op!

Rick interviewed Wednesday for a Co-op with Appvion.
This afternoon he got an offer to be their co-op in their Microencapsulation division (Encapsys)!

A co-op is a little different than an internship in that it's (always) paid, but he doesn't get "course" credit. He does, however, retain full-time student status through his co-op.

So come May, Rick will be moving to Appleton, Wisconsin (about thirty minutes south of GreenBay) and he'll be there through December.

Because the education curriculum is changing in Fall 2015, (which would add another semester+ to my time in school) I will be staying in Ames while Rick is in WI so I'll finish before the cut off.

Rick doesn't know yet what project(s) he'll be working on, only that he'll be in the microencapsulation division. I'm going to miss him, but we're both super excited for him to have gotten the position!


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