Saturday, October 5, 2013

Really Walmart?

I hate to use this blog as my personal ranting space, but some things need to be ranted about.

Like Walmart...

I hate Walmart.
I shop there, because it's within walking distance of my apartment.
But I loathe that store. It never fails to disappoint me.

For instance, I bought this hummingbird feeder there earlier this summer,
And the hummingbirds liked it (you can see the tip of the hummingbirds tail in the top left). Which was awesome, but Rick and I HATED it.

It leaked.
It leaked like crazy.
All that weird gooey glowing stuff around the edges is my attempt to seal the leak with hot glue.

It didn't work.
With the hummingbirds gone for the season we have since thrown this in the garbage and are in the market for an entirely different design of feeder for next season.

But let us continue to example number 2 in the list of: Why I loathe Walmart

I came home after work Friday to find my favorite picture all broken.

 And this is why.
The frame is made of FOAM.

Really Walmart?

Not even particle board?
So now I'm super mad about the crappy frame that spontaneously self-destructed. 
But I LOVE this picture! It's so cute and it goes with my cow salt/pepper shakers and chicken crocks. So now I'm gonna have to hit up Goodwill for a new frame. 

But Walmart doesn't just disappoint me because it sells me cheap home decor, oh no. Of course not. 

Our friend Matt spent the night with us Friday, and Saturday morning I made coffee and then went to Walmart to get eggs (because they open early and like I mentioned before, are within walking distance of my apartment) and the boys wanted sausage-egg-bagels for breakfast.

How many cartons of eggs do you need to open before you find one without broken eggs?


Six cartons.

Really Walmart?

Are you playing Hockey with these cartons before you stock them? 

Did the delivery truck roll over in a ditch en-route to your store? 

Does your stock-person just really HATE poultry and all things associated with chickens?


I hate Walmart. 

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