Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Fantasy Football

For the 3+ years Rick and I have been together I've been asking to play in the Fantasy Football league with him and his friends.

They never let me.

They've been using the same excuse too, "It's already full, we don't have a spot for you."

But this year


Our league, put together by Alex is called "The League of Extraordinary Genitals" and is rife with ridiculous word play. There are twelve people/owners(?) in the league.

Rick - A Farewell to Stiff Arms (his "team logo" is a picture of Hemmingway)
Alex - Xmus Jaxon Flaxon Waxon
Matt - Electric Dream Machine
Andrew- Beezer Twelve Washingbeard
Tyler- Archie's Oopsies
Grant- Last Place Legends
"Martini" (I don't know his real name) - Potato Chip Kelly
and then I think the rest are med-school friends of Alex's because Rick and I don't know them
Dan - Team Clifton
Ryan - Elway or the Highway
Justin - Rudock's Rampage
Collin - John Lynching

and Me - Operation Windmills
my logo looks like this
photo from: http://www.empowernetwork.com/nnextlevel/files/2012/10/pinwheel.jpg

Rick helped me with the Fantasy Draft, so "my team" is pretty much picked by Rick. Which is great because it means I can take credit for all good things my team does this season, and blame Rick for any lame performances.

Not only did Rick and I go head to head in our fantasy league this week, but My 49ers played his Packers. Our bet was the loser of that game had to cook dinner.

It was a high-stakes day to kick off the first Sunday of Football Season in our apartment.

San Francisco won 34-28!
Rick got to cook supper :)

The scores for our fantasy match-ups for Week 1 went as follows

Alex - 115
Ryan - 104

Justin - 98
Collin - 141

Tyler - 141
Matt - 122

Martini - 74
Dan - 113

Andrew - 133
Grant - 75

Rick - 83
Me - 122

It was a lot of fun!

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