Monday, September 16, 2013

from IA to PA

In July, Rick and I had to say goodbye to our closest friends Kelly and Ryan as they moved from Iowa to Philly where Ryan is going to grad school and Kelly is working in Americorps. After a stint with some of Ryan's relatives and a problem-riddled apartment they've finally settled into (a different) apartment for at least the next year so I put together a small "housewarming gift" for them!

These vases are Starbucks Frappuchino bottles wrapped in jute and tied with pretty orange ribbon for fall. I got the little lettered chips from Hobby Lobby.  

I made this mini photo-wreath for Kelly to put in her office, the states I cut out of an old atlas and all the pictures are wallet sized prints from various adventures. I put Kelly's cat Paul, in the center - because he's pretty much a god in terms of how far he outranks the measly humans. This could really be re-interpreted as a shrine to worship the almighty Paul.
This little project was a lot of fun and super easy to make. I cut a hoop out of a piece of cardboard and glued mini clothes-pins to it. She'll be able to add and change out pictures as much as a she likes.  

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