Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Christmas decorating

Rick and I went home for Thanksgiving with my parents on Sunday.
It was wonderful, we got to see my folks, cats, my sister and her boyfriend.

It's a tradition that we put up the tree on Thanksgiving so even though we had Thanksgiving a few days early, we stuck with it.
Sarah, as she does every year, made a party dress out of the tinsel.
I don't know why she does it. She's weird.
But it's also become a sort of tradition at our house that Sarah wear the tinsel every year, and I think I'd be a little disappointed if she didn't.
Here Sarah gives us "duck face" 

Here Sarah cracks herself up because "duck face" is dumb - also I was saying things like "Yeah! Give me that duck face! Work it like a duck!"

Sabe` is under the impression (and has been for something like 14 years now) that she is a present. And she will spend the vast majority of her indoor time parked under the tree from now until it comes down after new years

She looks really sweet under there among the gifts, until you try to move her. Then she bites.
Rick and I then went to see his parents Sunday night, and monday I took him to an eye appointment and then I headed back to Ames for work.

I also decorated our apartment!
Our door
Rick's instructions were "Don't get out of control"

Hahahahahaha! Silly Rick. 
It's Christmas decorating, control is not an operative word here.

A reindeer bowl full of pinecones and berries and jingle bells

The coffee table

Be Merry

another wall

our tree!

Rollo inspects my decorations

I can't tell if he approves or not