Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Estonian National Symphony Orchestra

Rick got us tickets to go see the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra at Stephen's Auditorium tonight!
It was amazing!
The star cellist was a 25 year old Armenian who's parents were also musicians (his father was a violinist and his mother was a pianist) and he's been just about everywhere to play and has won all kinds of awards. He was very impressive but my favorites were the bass players. It's such a gorgeously huge instrument, and the bass player on the end was a fairly little guy, probably not much taller than me, and super fun to watch.

I'm a little geographically challenged, I was pretty sure Estonia was somewhere in northeastern Europe, but I wasn't positive. So for anyone who's like me, here's Estonia. 
It was a cold, rainy night in Ames, so I think that kept a lot of a people in, but Rick and I both thought the performance was worth braving the weather.

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