Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tea Cup Rollo!

Before he gets too big (and he's growing like a spiky mutant weed) I wanted to get a picture of Rollo in one of our pretty tea cups.
He was not thrilled. He doesn't seem to mind camera flash, but he doesn't like being stuck. So he was not terribly cooperative when I put his little butt in a tea cup. (He fit in it a lot better two weeks ago, but I didn't take a picture then.)

Here he looks content enough to be a little ball in a tiny Chinese tea cup

.5 seconds later he started to wiggle and I got a couple of these foot in the face shots before I had to put the camera down and grab him as he tipped himself over

We also learned last night that Rollo likes Meal Worms! He's very aggressive with them. It was great. So far he's been pretty nonchalant about baby food, he'll eat it, but he definitely prefers the cat food.
He completely snubbed the apple and cucumber we offered him, but he tore the wiggling meal worm out of my fingers to chomp on it.
Rick and I are really excited to have finally found a "treat" he likes.

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